Ramsey Station (School Lunch!)
We all can remember school lunches; do you have memories of loving them? A lot of us do and that is the reason that I decided to write this review. I got the idea when I volunteered as part of the Watch D.O.G.S.(Dads of Good Students) program at my daughter’s school, Rumsey Station, last school year. As you know, I take photos and video of my food quite often and I figured it would make a fun review.
Does your memory serve you correctly? I know that I used to enjoy school lunches. Pizza, Riblets, Tostadas and whatever else. Ah, those were the days! Now, fast forward to today as an adult. Do these school lunches still hold up? Well…I mean…the kids still love them! Haha. I’ve had a few different lunches at the school since last year and I haven’t been blown away, but what did I expect? I am the Omaha Fattie of course. Now, that doesn’t mean that the food is bad; it’s just not something that adult me craves.
I have had the Teriyaki Chicken, Corn Dog, pizza and other meal that I can’t remember. The Teriyaki Chicken was probably the best of the bunch. A favorite menu item that I have had aside from the fresh fruit and veggies is this little cup of frozen strawberry goodness. I could probably eat like 3 or 4 of those. Maybe next time I’ll ask for 2! You get the choice of white, chocolate or strawberry milks to go with your meal as well. On my last visit I saw a Banana Bread item that is served for the cold lunches and I think I want to give one of them a try on my next visit.
I can only assume that the Banana Bread called Super Slices are amazing! Why? Because when I was in elementary in Dayton, Ohio we used to get these amazingly magnificent donuts called Super Donuts (https://www.superdonut.com/products) and they are made by the same company. You do not know how much I love these donuts! The last time I went back to Ohio we got a box of them that come with 40 individual donuts and I was so happy. I think I’m going to buy some online now.
Okay, back to school lunches. These kids really do enjoy them. I asked a handful of kids what their favorite meals were and Teriyaki Chicken and the Breakfast option that they get were at the top of the lists. On my most recent visit we had corn dogs and the kids seemed to like those as well. Funny to see that some of the kids would peel off the outside, others would put on condiments and then some would just eat them plain. I put ketchup on mine! When I asked about the Super Slice I got good feedback on those as well. When I was asking to take a picture one student thought I was going to try to take it. He wasn’t havin’ that nonsense. I can’t say that I blame him. I ain’t giving a stranger any of my Super Donuts when they get here. J
Would I eat at the school again? Certainly! Mostly because I’ll probably volunteer again and I’m not really going to complain about free lunch. The kids enjoy them and that’s all that matters. I would say that the service is pretty stellar and the staff runs a tight ship. I always have a good time when I go.
I give School Lunch 3 Fatties! Have you been? If so, what do you think?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my thoughts on food. You are amazing!